I'm getting ready to watch that flick "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", but before I do I thought I would check in and give you an update...
I shot Celtic Frost the other night, the band sounded and looked killer, big ups to there road manager Wolfgang...A road manager who actually gives a shit about the band and not hunting down groupies and drugs...
My plan was to shoot the band with there fresh makeup and gear just before they went on stage, but it was raining out and that put the kabash on candid photos, so I had to settle for live shots. I was going to shoot them on there last North American date tonight, but it's a 2 and 1/2 hour drive from my crib to the venue and I'm so not into that...
I interviewed Martin Ain (Frost bass player and co-founding member) for a 400 word piece I'm writing on the band. I was slightly skeptical going into the interview. More like shitting my pants before the interview. I don't generally interview bands, I'm there to take photos not shove a mic in there face and ask boring and inane questions that they've already heard a thousand times before. I can already see him rolling his eyes and politely answering my silly question about his influences.
I wanted my interview to be different...before the interview I was neurotic, I kept repeating over and over in my head *obsessively* "What the fuck am I going to ask this guy, what are we going to talk about?!?"
What if he gives me one word answers and I don't understand a word he's saying (they are from Switzerland) When I got the call from Wolfgang saying he was ready to talk I almost blew it off. I'm glad I didn't, Martin turned out to be hella cool. I fired my first question at him and v'iola he was talking his ass off. Ain is a very articulate, captivating and intelligent cat with an eclectic view on things...
I'll put a link up to the article when it's been published...
I'll have photos up from the gig later in the week...
I'm also going to be adding another portfolio to the site for all of you asking for more photos...
Be Well